Friday, October 10, 2008

"Plan 9 from Planet Mediocre" or "Beige of the Monster"

Remember when people had opinions, or movies could be great or terrible? Today I actually managed to sneak a little peak at the Edmonton Journal we get for the library at Mayerthorpe Jr. Sr. High (Go Tigers!).

What did I have the pleasure of reading? I ,of course, flip to the sports section (Go Oilers!) and then on to the "Culture" section to see what movies are opening or playing as I may get a chance this long weekend to catch a flick.

What to see? City of Ember, The Express, Body of Lies, The Duchess hmmm decisions, decisions. Let's see... out of seven films reviewed today six have three star reviews! (Sprinkling a 1/2 star on a review is just putting lipstick on a mediocre pig)

Only 1 movie actually engaged a reviewer and that was An American Carol it got a 1 star drubbing. MOVIE FANS!!! GO SEE AN AMERICAN CAROL, at least it has the courage and bravery to fail mightily and maybe make you feel, instead of lulling you into a semi-conscious state that only makes you wonder where all your time and money went. Added incentive-it is Ed Wood's birthday today, what better way to celebrate that pillar of cinematic virtue.

Instead of renting or watching movies that are "okay" or "fine" challenge yourself and Hollywood by seeing something that enrages you (for me it's Forces of Nature...deep breathes class starts soon) or moves you to ecstatic levels of imagination and discussion (Bullitt- unbelievable nearly dialogue free and compelling). We and our wallets deserve better from our filmmakers.

"Now, don't you worry. The saucers are up there. The graveyard is out there. But I'll be locked up safely in there."