Monday, December 1, 2008

An Epistle from an Apostle

An Open Letter to Mr. Michael Myers.

Dear Michael, 
Perhaps its my fault and I am willing to shoulder some of the blame. I willingly spent money and saw Austin Powers in Goldmember in a theatre. I even went to the first two Shrek movies and rented The Cat in the Hat. That probably was when I should have written you instead of putting it off for so long (like this blog...sorry Mr. Grywul). It is clear in retrospect that you had to be crying out for help. You need to rest. Just stop a moment and think. Each movie I make is getting less and less funny, and Lord knows the last thing anyone wanted was a Shrek Christmas special. 

Maybe its working with the black hole of comedy Eddie Murphy (post 1988) that forces you to don the garish and unfunny makeup that serves as an increasingly present crutch to prop up your jokes. 

Mr. Myers as a fellow Canadian it pains me to say this but just stop. It is clearly over when you make a film that puts our sport (what our American friends refer to as "ice hockey") front and centre in the plot and manage to completely screw that up. I understand if you live in LA and Rob Blake is your buddy. Fine. Put him and the Kings in the film, but what in in the name of Bob Cole and Harry Neale is he doing taking a face off at all- let alone in the crucial final moments of the Stanley Cup final! Of everything that was oh so wrong about The Love Guru this may have been its most egregious misstep. You have lost it and me. Go home, pick up a six of a good Canadian beer and watch So I Married an Axe Murderer  a couple of times and ask yourself where it all went sideways on you.

I hope you understand that I must be cruel to be kind.


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