This was a solid three out of five "pops" on the movie scale. Good performances all around in a star studded cast, costuming and set design were intricate and engaging, and all of this in a very compelling story. This episode from WWII is something more people should hear about. I and my Father-in-law were both familiar with the story surrounding the final assassination attempt on Hitler's life in 1944. Due to our prior knowledge the film lacked a certain level of tension that would have made the film a little more thrilling. Even though the film is a real collection of talking heads the pace of the movie keeps it moving along briskly. If you have already seen Synecdoche, New York Valkyrie is not a bad way to wile away a couple of hours.
In home video news...
The true end of the stunted man child films has arrived (of course I have yet to see Role Models ) Step Brothers. If you enjoyed the chemistry between John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell in Talladega Nights you will love Step-Brothers. This is a truly absurd film that seems to appeal to a wide variety of people I have talked to. A good friend of mine who we will call Lil' Ripper (to protect his anonymity) -who is himself a stunted man child- enjoyed it enough to insist on being called Night Hawk throughout our Christmas vacation together. It is funny and over the top, but the genuine belief apparent on each character's face in what they are doing or saying is enough to convince me to recommend this movie.
Hopefully when I return to the ranch today we will have the interwebs again and I can maintain this blogging pace.
Happy New Year
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