Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's Show Time Folks!

How sweet it was to have a week off of school. Alas, it comes to a close tomorrow. Trips to the vet, the city, a wedding, archery and naps have eaten up a week very quickly.

Now down to the nitty gritty as they say.

I will begin this post with a couple of movies I found terribly disappointing.
 1- Rachel Getting Married- Terrible. I know this was nominated for awards and seemed to please a lot of people I respect ... but, how can I put this? 
Absolutely brutal and tedious. This is the type of pretension that drives people out of the theatres and into the Blockbusters of the world. Sure we would like our friends to see interesting "independent" cinema instead of movies like Transformers, but how does this help. A group of the most self-involved artists and intellectuals gather for a wedding and to talk and talk and talk....
I understand that writer Jenny Lumet grew up around people like these but this movie made me hate each of them in new and fascinating ways. At risk of sounding pretentious myself I would paraphrase Sartre here "If Hell is other people, it is these people" (that's irony)

2- My Best Friend's Girl- My brother and I enjoy a good "bad" movie to wile away the time with now and then. So when we found we had some down time before his recent wedding we stopped by Alternative Video. The "bad" movie we chose was this one. This was atrocious and devoid of laughs. For those of you out there who know me know I pride myself on my ability (finely honed after hours and hours of practice) to nap. I can nap almost anywhere at any time. This movie was so bad it kept me awake despite my best efforts to doze off in front of this. I can think of no stronger indictment than this. Case closed. Do NOT watch this. Good Luck Chuck was better, and it was brutal. 

Now for the good stuff.

1- Synecdoche New York -  fascinating look at a lonely man (does P.S.H play any other kind?) driven by failures in his own life to create and exam these shortcomings in his art. The film unspools over the course of decades with no real signs of time passing. In this movie time slips by you like it does in reality. One day your standing at the start of your future ready to conquer and challenge the next your finding ear hair and back pain are your constant companions. In that signature Kaufman style the movie doubles back and collapses inward on itself. A fascinating and entertaining journey into the mind of the artist consumed with introspection.

2- I have long held musicals in low esteemI. I have just never "got it". Although I have always had a love for Singin' in the Rain and the Umbrellas of Cherbourg movies like Chicago (Ironic in light of what I'm about to shareand Mama Mia left me cold and bored. 

This week though I agreed to rent a movie from 1979 that absolutely floored me I laughed, I found myself tapping my toes along to the musical numbers, and was completely engrossed in the exuberance and enthusiasm for the act of creation portrayed in the movie. Yes, this like Synecdoche, dealt with an artist's self-absorption
throughout the narrative. The movie was All That Jazz by Bob Fosse. True this movie could be seen as an arrogant paean to oneself as a rascal, but I think that would miss the point. 

A truly black comedy filled with an insider's passion for show business. Fosse never sugar-coats the irresponsible personal behaviour he exhibits, he is a jerk, a poor father, a worse husband and a bit of a narcissist. However this movie was alive and electric from start to finish. This is a must see to believe. 

Another bit of irony for you dear reader, one scene that drove both my wife (Rachel) and myself crazy in Rachel Getting Married was the "Dishwasher" scene. This was based on a real event in the life of Jenny Lumet in which her father director Sidney Lumet and none other than Bob Fosse (writer, director, choreographer of ALL THAT JAZZ). If Fosse had included it in his film I might have loved it, but in Rachel... it was tedious. 

In fact I now consider All that Jazz one of my all time favorites. SEE IT.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

How Sweet It Is!

As I mentioned just a little earlier today I would be dropping by the store while in the city and am I ever glad I did. A veritable cornucopia of new releases that I NEED to see. Including Let the Right One In, Rachel Getting Married, My Name is Bruce, and Synecdoche New York

In addition to these gems my brother and I selected a little known film called Transporter 3. I will be blogging this while watching this tiny quite and austere little drama.  SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!

Opening Credits- 1 good thing-Martial arts choreography by Corey Yuen.-1 bad thing-Written by Luc Besson (Leon and Nikita aside).

First car chase- apparently edited by a spastic chimp trained to piece together a film as fast as it can so the handlers will turn off the electrodes. Although the cross cutting between the scene on the boat and the car chase is clever (well done Mr. Teeny... here's a banana). Both the car and the fish escape-get it-Take that The Godfather.

First Fight Scene-see above.

Villian- Mr.Johnson shoots henchmen to exhibit his willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Stacy and I debate whether this is tough or ruthless. I say ruthless.

Quick Side Note- Good to see the Inspector back from the first movie, he has a certain bon vivant way about him I enjoy.

Thirty minute mark- The girl has already dropped her accent... oh, wait there it is... oh no gone again, the sad part is the actress is actually Russian.  News-flash-The bad guys won't take no for an answer.  

What do you want to eat conversation=within the next 30 minutes we will be doing it.

Hey everybody look a crazy genius who can immediately diagnose the secret weapon attached to our heroes wrist. This genius also lets us know that the internet can provide you with a lot of information....who knew?

Second fight scene... second use of his coat as a weapon.... bonus for all the ladies our hero is shirtless... repeat shirtless. The accent is back and she is just a little more attracted to our hero due to his fashion sense and ass whipping ability.

Hey everybody its the classic ringing pay-phone bit... only in the movies.  

Donald Trump is a "great American". Insert joke about firing... clever.

Second chase- I'll try to capture its subtle nuances... edit edit edit edit pithy recall of previous line=hilarious.

Apparently the new way to film dialogue is just show people talking on cell phones.

Russians are gloomy a nation of  Eeyores.  Big reveal... she's not Russian, Ukrainian. 

 PS Drugs are bad. Middle Eastern music is a punch-line but rap is the music of free spirits and tough guys.

PSA from the producers of Transporter 3- It is important to stay positive and the best way to do so is to drink Vodka. So bottoms up!

Third Chase- Techno Chase remix BPM (beats per minute) =EPS (edits per second).
Stacy declares it one of the worst chase scenes ever. Oh wait Car on two wheels between Semis elevates it to just brutal.  Broken arm for the guy shooting out the window-nice application of the Maverick Manoeuvre from Top Gun.

Exactly 30 minutes after the dinner conversation the Package (also apparently known as Valentina)  "Want to feel sex one more time". Ah the timeless art of seduction.

Surprise! The package is the Minister's daughter... oh you didn't know that... sorry.

Did you know in Ibiza you "make holiday".

After sex exposition, is there any sweeter sweet nothing?

The blue screen drive into Odessa is one of the prettiest fake drives in the world.

Oh No A TRAP.... How can he possibly get out of this one?

Bad Guy looks like an Elvis impersonator who has been dead for a year, and the girl like Molly Ringwald if she was Paris Hilton's daughter.

Is this the end of the Transporter? Will his beloved car really be his grave?

Besson really came up with some slick MacGyver style why Frank doesn't drown stuff here. Highlight of the film.

Johnson's speech rationalizing his villainy is easily the shortest on record.  Nope... here comes part II of the villain's rant... it must be a union thing.

Big dramatic conclusion approaching. Close quarters shoot out on train?-check,
Villainous taunts?-check, Impossible situation that the hero some how manages to rectify anyway?- check, Villain hoisted by his own petard?-checkity check! (Another quick note-if you like the idea of explosive compulsion devices check out Deadlock aka Wedlock starring Rutger Hauer)

Hooray bad guys lose and only slightly bad guy wins and gets the girl! Another triumph for the Transporter.

One last thing, when Frank jumps the car on to the train the first time, cheese. The jump between the two halves of the train is the fakest looking piece of CGI (specifically the overhead shot)  the only way it could have been worse is if the car had been painted with 1's and 0's. 

This one was better than the second but does not put the franchise back on to the level the first one established. 

Better luck next time Luc.

Apologies and housekeeping II- Nerds in Paradise.

In the big city today and will probably drop by the ol' Alt Vid to see what is crack-a-lackin' as you kids say. To continue what I began yesterday....

Miracle at St.Anna- This latest effort of Spike Lee (In my opinion the best and most versatile American director working today) a WWII movie focused on a group of "Buffalo Soldiers." The film starts out in the eighties with a sudden and startling occurrence in a busy pre Christmas post office. We are then carried back to Italy in the forties and watch the delicate relations develop between the soldiers and the residents of an Italian town. I felt, even at 160 minutes of running time, that the film should have been longer. The denouement felt rushed and rang a little false to my admittedly tone deaf ears. Somewhere there probably exists a four hour cut of the film that takes its time and slowly, relentlessly unspools itself  in a languid manner that would hypnotically release you from its grip and you would slowly reawaken with an unshakeable  confidence that you had just viewed a masterpiece. Unfortunately, you do not. Still a movie that is well worth the time. Lee's familiar themes echo throughout this film and if you are a fan do not miss this tale of racism, betrayal, liberation and redemption. 

Watchmen- Admittedly not available on DVD yet but I did make the trek down highway 22 to Drayton Valley's theatre for a matinee last weekend. I was impressed. A lot more than some of the other patrons of that particular cinema. If you are looking for a rollicking action adventure look elsewhere. This film, although disavowed by Alan Moore, made his appearance on The Simpsons more piquant, the idea of a heroin addicted jazz critic as a super-hero does not seem all that far-fetchedin the wake of viewing this film from "visionary director of 300 " Zack Snyder.  

That seems like it for now...

"You people don't understand. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!"


Friday, March 13, 2009

Apologies and housekeeping.

I seem to lack a certain consistency in posting unlike my esteemed colleagues over at Knowing, Doing. So in an effort to rectify my slack commitment I will try to enlighten and entertain with a quick word or two on everything I have seen in the last month or so. (Two quick questions 1.Who knew getting a degree, the matching career and a mortgage could eat up so much of your time? 2.Why didn't you warn me?)

Ready? And here we go.

Hell Ride- Pretension does not a screen play make. Also slouching around with your thumbs through your belt loops is not character development. A singularly amazing example of style over substance.

Religulous - Ironically I found the ending a tad to preachy, and this undermined the proceeding 90 minutes. Entertaining for the already converted and is unlikely to persuade anyone who isn't already a non-believer.

Vicki Christina Barcelona- Woody Allen should stay in Europe. His recent work Match Point, Scoop (The Melinda to Match Point's Melinda), Cassandra's Dream (unfairly maligned in my opinion) are enjoyable and entertaining movies. While none of these can rival his earlier works, that list needs no repeating here, I feel they show a newer more outward looking Allen who has shaken of the crippling attention to his every stray thought, hiccup, and tick that handcuffed him for so long. Or to paraphrase Ned Flanders " I like Woody Allen's movies more now that the nervous little guy isn't in all of them." Not only is V.C.B. (as we call it in the blogosphere) funny and poignant the ending is perfect and true. Make sure to see this and Match Point.

Super High Me- As its title suggests the movie is a stoner take on the documentary Super Size Me. Pretty straight forward really switch Pot for Cheeseburger, shoot film. Not as good as it could have been it almost seemed as if the attention to detail was not quite what it should have been. I wonder why? Also a tad disappointing because it did not give Doug Benson enough room to really showcase himself. Benson is a hilarious comedian with a deep abiding passion for movies, one could say he loves them, and his passion is never given free reign to comment on this movie.

SerenityEfficient and entertaining. Right to the point and handles the exposition very well for those of us who never watched Firefly.

Interwebs...slowing....hyperlinking titles be coming im...possible... must save blog and try again tomorrow.... because the stuff...that dreams ...are made ooofffff.....


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An Open Letter II: Lost in New York

Dear Mr. De Niro
... Please stop. You were terrific and compelling once upon a time. But... how can i put this delicately you have been coasting for a while now. You know it, I know it, and the movie watching public knows it. Seriously for every Jake Lamotta their have been far to many Don Lino as of late. My wife and I recently watched your movie Righteous Kill and the Pacino vehicle 88 Minutes. Now I can understand wanting to do something a little lighter than Taxi Driver once in a while so the occasional Meet the Parents is all right with me ( I wouldn't watch it but to each their own).

You and some of your cohorts are just getting paid to be you on film now you are no longer acting. It has become a warning more than a bonus to see your name in the cast list. How the mighty have fallen.

My wife checked out half way through Righteous Kill fearing the movie might cause irreparable harm to our unborn child. So for your sake, the sake of your fans, the sake of your craft please please stop it.

Yours truly


PS- Hey Pacino- Don't remake Rififi!

PPS- Pacino one more thing, the fact you were in Gigli should tell you enough already take a break travel just don't make any more movies for a a decade or two.