Friday, March 13, 2009

Apologies and housekeeping.

I seem to lack a certain consistency in posting unlike my esteemed colleagues over at Knowing, Doing. So in an effort to rectify my slack commitment I will try to enlighten and entertain with a quick word or two on everything I have seen in the last month or so. (Two quick questions 1.Who knew getting a degree, the matching career and a mortgage could eat up so much of your time? 2.Why didn't you warn me?)

Ready? And here we go.

Hell Ride- Pretension does not a screen play make. Also slouching around with your thumbs through your belt loops is not character development. A singularly amazing example of style over substance.

Religulous - Ironically I found the ending a tad to preachy, and this undermined the proceeding 90 minutes. Entertaining for the already converted and is unlikely to persuade anyone who isn't already a non-believer.

Vicki Christina Barcelona- Woody Allen should stay in Europe. His recent work Match Point, Scoop (The Melinda to Match Point's Melinda), Cassandra's Dream (unfairly maligned in my opinion) are enjoyable and entertaining movies. While none of these can rival his earlier works, that list needs no repeating here, I feel they show a newer more outward looking Allen who has shaken of the crippling attention to his every stray thought, hiccup, and tick that handcuffed him for so long. Or to paraphrase Ned Flanders " I like Woody Allen's movies more now that the nervous little guy isn't in all of them." Not only is V.C.B. (as we call it in the blogosphere) funny and poignant the ending is perfect and true. Make sure to see this and Match Point.

Super High Me- As its title suggests the movie is a stoner take on the documentary Super Size Me. Pretty straight forward really switch Pot for Cheeseburger, shoot film. Not as good as it could have been it almost seemed as if the attention to detail was not quite what it should have been. I wonder why? Also a tad disappointing because it did not give Doug Benson enough room to really showcase himself. Benson is a hilarious comedian with a deep abiding passion for movies, one could say he loves them, and his passion is never given free reign to comment on this movie.

SerenityEfficient and entertaining. Right to the point and handles the exposition very well for those of us who never watched Firefly.

Interwebs...slowing....hyperlinking titles be coming im...possible... must save blog and try again tomorrow.... because the stuff...that dreams ...are made ooofffff.....


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