Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An Open Letter II: Lost in New York

Dear Mr. De Niro
... Please stop. You were terrific and compelling once upon a time. But... how can i put this delicately you have been coasting for a while now. You know it, I know it, and the movie watching public knows it. Seriously for every Jake Lamotta their have been far to many Don Lino as of late. My wife and I recently watched your movie Righteous Kill and the Pacino vehicle 88 Minutes. Now I can understand wanting to do something a little lighter than Taxi Driver once in a while so the occasional Meet the Parents is all right with me ( I wouldn't watch it but to each their own).

You and some of your cohorts are just getting paid to be you on film now you are no longer acting. It has become a warning more than a bonus to see your name in the cast list. How the mighty have fallen.

My wife checked out half way through Righteous Kill fearing the movie might cause irreparable harm to our unborn child. So for your sake, the sake of your fans, the sake of your craft please please stop it.

Yours truly


PS- Hey Pacino- Don't remake Rififi!

PPS- Pacino one more thing, the fact you were in Gigli should tell you enough already take a break travel just don't make any more movies for a a decade or two.

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